1.31.25 Update: The ski and snowshoe trails are OPEN. The Warming Hut is open today 1-7PM for gear rentals. Trails are very firm, packed powder and some thins areas with dips at the waterbeds. Nice skiing! Sign up for The Daily Glide, our daily ski conditions email to get the news first: https://westernt.substack.com
Over 280-acres of contiguous acres of forest, fields, and wetlands
4-miles of multi-use recreational trails
1/2-mile of accessible trail

Shepard's Farm Preserve
Size: 20-acres
Location: 121 Crockett Ridge Road, Norway
Difficulty: Easy to moderate, 1/2-mile accessible trail, 4-miles of trails meandering, and connecting to Witt Extension on Pleasant Street.
Witt Swamp
Size: 141-acres
Location: A small parking area is located on Pleasant Street in Norway, 1-mile from the intersection of Pleasant & Main Street.
Difficulty: Easy​, 1-mile lollipop trail over uneven trail.
Witt Extension
Size: 111.5-acres
Location: A small parking area is located on Pleasant Street
in​ Norway, 1.5-miles from the intersection of Pleasant & Main Street.
Difficulty: Moderate. 4-miles of trail including a 3-mile loop trail, 3/4-mile boardwalk, and connection to Shepard's Farm Preserve Crockett Ridge Road.

Bernard Langlais Works Installed
In a decided rain on July 11th, Bernard Langlais’s “Painted Horse” and “Painted Cow” traveled from Langlais’s studio in Cushing Maine to Roberts Farm Preserve in Norway. The two large wooden sculptures, completed in the mid-1970s, are amongst the pieces that have been donated to the Western Foothills Land Trust by The Kohler Foundation, Colby College, and the estate of Bernard Langlais. The large horse and cow, which have received considerable attention from art conservators sponsored by the Kohler Foundation, are magnificent in scale and seem right at home in their new location.
This fall, six tall Langlais sculptures from the same era— “Owl,” “Cat,” “Birds,” “Bird Houses,” “Bird in Flight,” and “Mrs. Noah”— were installed in the undulating landscape of Shepard’s Farm Family Preserve off Crockett Ridge Road. These inspiring pieces round out the collection of Langlais works at Roberts Farm.
The Trust would like to thank Eliza Beghe, Harriet Mosher, and Eliza Walton for assisting the selection process; Scott Berk, Diana Arcadipone, and Mike Cooper for helping situate the sculptures; Pleasant Hill Properties for preparing the sites; Carl Lamontagne for pouring the bases; Scott Roberts for hoisting the tall pieces onto their bases; and Scott and Jasper Vlaun for repairing and securing the historic bases. Pro Movers and conservators Ron Harvey and Scott Mosher (contracted by the Kohler Foundation on the Langlais project) did a magnificent job in unique and challenging conditions.
We are very fortunate to have been entrusted with these magnificent works of art. Norway now has a Langlais sculpture park intertwined with trails within minutes from Main Street, blending art, conservation, and recreation. Enjoy the works with friends and family. Please remember: no climbing or touching the sculptures. Treat them respectfully as if they were in an indoor museum.